Ladakh Tri Adventure Earth's Edge 3

How much is the Ladakh Tri-Adventure?

Ladakh Tri Adventure Earth's Edge 4

The Ladakh Tri-Adventure is one hell of an expedition. We travel 270km through the beautiful Indian Himalayas region, on bike, foot and raft. This far flung trip is a proper Indian adventure, that will challenge you physically but reap amazing rewards. But how much is the Ladakh Tri-Adventure? Here’s a breakdown of how much the expedition costs…

How much is the Ladakh Tri-Adventure?

The Earth’s Edge Ladakh Tri-Adventure currently costs €3,799*. This includes…

  • Return International flights from Dublin to Delhi (Economy Class) (UK flights not included)
  • Internal flights in India
  • Experienced Irish/UK expedition leader
  • Experienced Irish/UK expedition doctor
  • Training Weekend
  • Local guides, cooks & muleteers
  • All accommodation based on twin sharing in hotels in Delhi and Leh and camping elsewhere
  • All meals and drinking water except in Delhi where accommodation is based on B&B
  • A celebratory dinner
  • All transport throughout the expedition
  • All group gear consisting of first aid kits, mountaineering equipment, cooking equipment, bikes & helmets

Can I join from the UK?

Of course! If you want to join the expedition from the UK, you can book the trip without flights, then book your own. This also works if you want to make additional travel plans yourself. The current cost* of the expedition without flights is €2,899, or around £2,499.

Ladakh Tri Adventure Earth's Edge 3

What’s not included?

While the above is a pretty comprehensive list, there are a few things that aren’t included in the cost. You’ll need to organise personal travel insurance, vaccinations and tourist visas. Also, you’ll need your own kit like boots and clothes. We have some free time to explore Delhi, so you might need some extra cash for that, as well as any costs personal nature. You’ll also need cash for tipping…

How much do I tip in Ladakh?

In Ladakh, we suggest a tip of 6000INR, which is €80. You give this to your expedition leader who divides it among the team. In addition, you’ll probably need a bit of spending cash. We recommend bringing €300 in cash with you in total – that includes the €80 tip.  

So that’s how much the Ladakh Tri-Adventure costs! To read more about the expedition, click here

* The cost highlighted above is the current cost of the expedition on 15 August 2022. This cost is subject to change

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