Annapurna Base Camp with Earth's Edge

6 facts about Annapurna

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Our expedition to Annapurna Base Camp is one of the less challenging that we offer here at Earth’s Edge. But that doesn’t mean it’s any less impressive! While we trek to Base Camp rather than climbing further, we pass through incredible scenery. After all, Annapurna is a fascinating place. If you are intrigued by the region, or want to impress your mates with some fun trivia, read on for our 6 facts about Annapurna

6 facts about Annapurna 

It’s not one mountain…

Annapurna doesn’t refer to one mountain, but rather a massif with multiple peaks. It has one peak over 8,000 metres, thirteen peaks over 7,000 metres and sixteen others over 6,000 metres!

It’s far from easy…

Annapurna I is one of only 14 mountains in the world that stands over 8,000 metres and it is often considered the most difficult to summit.

It’s a natural wonder…

Because of the height of the surrounding mountains, there are completely different ecosystems on different sides of the mountains. The slopes that face south tend to have thick tropical jungles, but the Northern slopes tend to be colder and drier.

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The people are incredible…

People of the Khumbu region are called Sherpas who have adapted to living in high altitude conditions for generations. Sherpas are key sources of climbing expertise, advice and help. Most Sherpas under the age of 50 tend to have a good level of English.

It’s best hiked in the autumn…

To avoid the monsoon season in Nepal, we trek to the Annapurna Base Camp in September/ October. This means that we’re hiking in the dry season, however, this is still high up in the Himalayas so there is a chance of rain.

It gets surprisingly warm…

It tends to be quite warm during the day, but once the sun goes down it can get quite nippy. Temperatures usually stay around 20°C but can push 30°C. At night it can get down to 5°C but has been known to dip below zero.

If our facts about Annapurna have piqued your interest and you want to read more about the Earth’s Edge expedition to Annapurna Base Camp, click here!

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