There’s nothing quite like a tri-adventure. You get to hike, cycle and raft, all in one glorious expedition. But if you’re thinking about taking it on, you’re probably wondering how to train for the Ladakh Tri-Adventure. Here’s some information you might find useful…
How to train for the Ladakh Tri-Adventure
When it comes to training for any expedition, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. You need to basically be as fit as you can be. The fitter you are, the more enjoyable the expedition will be! We recommend a combination of different training methods. It’s important to get practice hillwalking, but also to work on your general fitness, too.
How fit should I be for the Ladakh Tri-Adventure?
Our Ladakh Tri-Adventure is rated as a level 6 expedition. If it helps, that’s also the same level as Kang Yatse II. As this is a multi-discipline trip, it’s more important than ever to make sure your general fitness is excellent. After all, it’s not just hiking you’ll be doing! The added level of difficulty on this trip is the altitude.

How should I train for the Ladakh Tri-Adventure?
As we said, you need to combine different training to prepare for the Ladakh Tri-Adventure. This means you should spend some time on the hills, and some in the gym (or out in nature!)
We would recommend hiking at least twice per month in preparation for this expedition. In the three months prior to departure try to include two long training hikes (6-8 hours at a comfortable, steady pace) on consecutive days with an 8kg rucksack.
Cardiovascular training
As a general rule, you need to make sure your heartrate is elevated for 45 minutes to one hour, three times a week. It doesn’t really matter how you do this, whether in the gym or running, doing classes or exercising at home. As there are four days of mountain biking included in this trip, you should spend some time on the bike, too. The final day on the bikes is six hours long, so you should make sure you’re able for that before departure.
Training weekends
Included in the Earth’s Edge expedition is a training weekend in Wicklow. You’ll spend the weekend hiking with the people you’ll be travelling with, as well as your leader and doctor. It’s a great time to bond, train and get used to long treks.
For more about our Ladakh Tri-Adventure, click the link!