Kilimanjaro Expedition with Earth's Edge

Is it safe to climb Kilimanjaro?

Stella Point Kilimanjaro 

When you’re planning a big expedition, safety is probably something that pops up in your mind. Maybe you haven’t trekked a big distance before. Perhaps you’ve never experienced high altitude. Or maybe you’re worried about getting sick. It’s perfectly natural to be concerned about your safety before a big expedition (or really, before any trip). If you’re thinking about your safety, that’s a good thing! It shows you’re sensibly cautious. If you’re thinking about trekking, you might be wondering if it is safe to climb Kilimanjaro. Let us answer your questions…

Is it safe to climb Kilimanjaro?

Like everything in life, there are usually safe ways to do something, and not so safe ways. When you’re climbing Kilimanjaro, it’s super important to have a good team with you. You must climb with a team of porters and guides. In fact, you legally can’t climb Kilimanjaro on your own. If you have a good team behind you, you’re in a far, far safer scenario.

How to find good porters

The Earth’s Edge expedition to Kilimanjaro has the best possible team you could ask for. We’ve worked with our local guides and porters for years. They know every inch of the mountain inside out, and are highly experienced.

We also send an expedition leader and doctor from the UK or Ireland with every single trip that we run. They are with you for the duration, and look after you every step of the way. We are the only company in the world that sends a doctor on every expedition, while keeping groups sustainably small. Which means our levels of safety are unparalleled.

Climb Kilimanjaro with Earth's Edge

What if I get sick?

That’s why we have an expedition doctor! Our team knows that prevention is better than cure, which is why we climb Kilimanjaro in a specific way. We take things slow (which is why you’ll hear “pole, pole” at regular intervals!) Our doctors want you to keep them informed. If you do suffer from a bit of altitude sickness, it’s far less of a problem if you deal with it right away. So if you get a bit of a headache, tell the doctor immediately. Sometimes, all you need is a bit more water and some painkillers. Leave it later, and it could be worse. Our doctors have a full medical kit with them for the climb.

What if I fall behind?

Climbing Kilimanjaro isn’t a race. It’s a trek that you take slowly. This means you acclimatise gently and don’t wear yourself out. But remember, everyone walks at a different pace. We have a guide for every 2 clients climbing, so there’s always a ratio of 2:1. So someone will always be walking at the back. You’ll never get left behind!

What if I can’t make the summit?

Climbing to the summit is amazing, but it shouldn’t be your only goal. On expeditions all around the world, making the summit isn’t guaranteed. What’s more important is the journey to get there. If you feel unwell, or unable to continue, you don’t need to worry. One of our guides will walk down with you.

If you have any more questions about our expedition to Kilimanjaro, you can always ask us. Just use the chat window in the browser! You can read more about our expedition to Kilimanjaro here.

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