The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched by the UN in 2015 are; “A call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.”
Sustainability is at the center of everything we do here at Earth’s Edge. On this page, we have outline what we are doing to meet them and make suggestions on how you can do your part too.

Goal 1: No Poverty
The % of the world population living in extreme poverty (surviving on less than $.125 a day) stood at 36% in 1990. In 2015 it had reduced to 10% and the goal is to reduce that figure to 3% by 2030. The latest data in 2018 had the figure at 8.6%. Undoubtedly the Coronavirus pandemic is going to have a huge impact on poverty rates, so there is a massive amount of work for us all to do to achieve this goal.

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Our expeditions operate in developing countries around the world. We want to reduce inequalities between our country and those we travel to by employing incredible local teams and paying them fairly, offering them opportunities to advance in their careers and develop personally and professionally.

Goal 13: Climate Action
Everyone, everywhere is affected by climate change. We are active advocates of the Leave no Trace campaign and encourage all our clients to act responsible and consciously at home and on expedition. Cutting down on energy use and switching to renewable energy are essential steps to combat climate change.

Goal 15: Life on Land
Every year we plant 3 native trees for every client who travels with us to offset the carbon emitted during air travel. These trees help to increase biodiversity where they are planted, combat deforestation and counteract CO2 emissions.