Kenya Tri-Adventure with Earth's Edge 3

What is the Kenya Tri-Adventure?

Kenya Tri-Adventure with Earth's Edge 1

On most of our expeditions, there’s one goal in sight. Whether you’re climbing to the top of Kilimanjaro, or trekking to Everest Base Camp, there’s usually one aim for each trip. But on the Kenya Tri-Adventure, you get to roll three into one! This epic trip involves trekking, biking and rafting, all through the beautiful scenery of the Kenyan countryside. If you are curious but what do know exactly what is the Kenya Tri-Adventure, let us explain…

What is the Kenya Tri-Adventure?

On this trip, we cover more than 200km in seven days, across three disciplines: hiking, biking and rafting. That means this super adventurous trip gives you a taste of all three style, and you can never get bored!

Hiking in Kenya

We kick things off on foot, on a five day hike that goes right to the summit of Mount Kenya (4985m). Known as Kere Nyaga (Mountain of Brightness), Mount Kenya is an ancient dormant volcano and the second highest mountain in Africa. It’s an absolutely beautiful mountain to climb, and we have 66km to weave through. An added bonus? You never know what incredible wildlife you’ll see along the way, from elephants to monkeys, buffalo to camels. 

Biking in Kenya

When we’ve reached the summit of Mount Kenya, we make our way back down for the biking portion of the trip. We spend two long days on the bikes, covering a distance of 106km in total. The terrain is varies, with some tougher climbs but epic downhill sections, too. We cycle mostly on dirt roads with little traffic, and we’re actually cycling through a game reserve, where we also camp at night. There are evening and morning safari drives, where you’ll see all of the amazing wildlife Kenya is known for. In this park, you can find lion, rhino, elephant, hippo, leopard, giraffe and a whole host of other game. In fact, you might even be able to hear them as you sleep in your tent at night!

Rafting in Kenya

The longest river in Kenya, the Tana River is 1000km long, and excellent for white water rafting. We work with experienced guides who will teach you everything you need to know, so don’t worry if you’re not a rafting expert. There are loads of excellent rapids along the way. One 16km stretch has a rapid called ‘Can of Worms’ due to its four 90-degree bends in quick succession! Like the other portions of the trip, you’ll also find amazing wildlife all around you. All along the riverbanks there are forests filled with buffalo, elephant, hippo and crocodile. You couldn’t ask for a more awesome setting. 

So there you have it! If you want to read more about the Kenya Tri-Adventure, click on the expedition page here. 

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