If you want to see the real Kenya, our Tri-Adventure is the perfect trip. We climb to the summit of Mount Kenya, camp among incredible wildlife, bike through game reserves and raft on the Tana River. If you want to learn a little about Kenya before you travel, or are just curious about this amazing country, we have 8 facts about Kenya to wet your whistle…
8 facts about Kenya
Identical days
Kenya is located in East Africa and because of its location on the equator, the sun rises and sets at almost exactly the same time each day, 5:30 am and 5:30 pm. That means that whenever you travel, the days are always the same length!
What’s the word?
The two official languages in Kenya are English and Swahili, although there are dozens of other languages spoken in various parts of the country.
Kenya gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1963.
Biggest exports
After coffee, Kenya’s biggest income generator is tourism. For the Kenyans, however, coffee is considered an export product, not something for local consumption. The local favourites are tea and beer (Tusker beer is a particular fave).
Incredible wildlife
Kenya features many national parks and wildlife reserves, with safaris being a popular activity for visitors. You can see all of the Big Five here, and we have spotted almost all of them on our trips!
Climbing high
Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. We climb to the summit of Mount Kenya on our Tri-Adventure.
Not a mountain…
Mount Kenya is a volcano, about 3 million years old, whose base diameter is about 120km. The last eruption was over 2 million years ago.
When to go
We visit Kenya in Autumn. Temperatures on the expedition may vary from 0 to 30 degrees during the day and -10 to 10 degrees at night. It’s best to be prepared for lower temperatures due to wind chill or the weather turning bad. Usually the days are hot and the nights are cold.
There you have it! Some fun facts about Kenya to get you psyched for a trip in the future. If you want to read all about our Kenya Tri-Adventure, click here…