Annapurna Base Camp with Earth's Edge 6

What to pack for Annapurna Base Camp

Annapurna Base Camp with Earth's Edge 1

A beautiful trek that weaves through some of the most stunning scenery in the Himalayas, the hike to Annapurna Base Camp is one hell of an adventure. With time spent in Pokhara, on forest trails alongside waterfalls and in pretty villages, this trek really highlights the culture of the area. And when we end up at base camp, you’ll be standing among giants. Base Camp is surrounded by unbelievable peaks, and you’ll have plenty of time to breathe it all in. But what do you bring on a 16-day expedition that includes so much? Our guide to what to pack for Annapurna Base Camp has all the info you need…

What to pack for Annapurna Base Camp 

When you sign up for an Earth’s Edge expedition, we send you a comprehensive packing list that has everything you need. As the trek to Annapurna Base Camp isn’t as technical as some other climbs, you won’t need too much specialist equipment. Here are the basics to get you started…

Annapurna Base Camp with Earth's Edge 4


Walking boots

Runners or sandals 

Mid-weight hiking socks x 3 


Shorts x 1 (knee length or below)

Lightweight trousers x 1

Synthetic/wool/silk long johns 

Waterproof trousers 

Long sleeve base layers x 2 (silk, wool, or synthetic)

Short sleeve base layer x 2 (as above)

Mid weight fleece x 2

A down jacket with a hood (at least 600 grams in weight)

Waterproof jacket

Waterproof poncho


A fleece hat 

A balaclava/a buff

Sunglasses (category 3)

A sun hat with a wide brim to cover the face and neck

A pair of lightweight wool or synthetic liner gloves

A pair of down mitts

Walking poles


Rucksack (30 to 35 litres) 

Duffel bag (90 litres) 

Dry bags 

Water bottles and water bladder

A warm sleeping bag (comfort rating of -10°C or lower)


Sunscreen (at least factor 30)

SPF lip balm

Insect repellent

Hand sanitiser

Personal first aid kit (Rehydration salts, plasters, Compeed, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Buscopan, throat lozenges, nasal spray, decongestant such as Sudafed, antibiotics suitable to treat traveller’s diarrhoea)


Small towel for washing

Personal snacks

Headtorch with spare batteries

A spare set of clothes to wear after you finish the expedition

A photocopy of your travel insurance and passport

Your vaccination booklet 

Don’t forget, you get a 15% discount on anything from our partner Great Outdoors when you sign up to an expedition. So that will help you along the way when you’re getting your gear! 

You can read all about our expedition to Annapurna Base Camp here, or read our blog post all about it here.

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