Everest Base Camp with Earth's Edge 2

How hard is it to get to Everest Base Camp?

Everest Base Camp with Earth's Edge 6

While climbing Mount Everest is one of the toughest challenges on the planet, the journey to Everest Base Camp is much more pleasant. The route to Base Camp takes you through the beautiful Khumbu Valley and is one of the most meaningful treks in the world. Plus, with training and preparation, the trek to Everest Base Camp is one which many people can achieve. If you’re wondering: how hard is it to get to Everest Base Camp? This post has the answers… 

How hard is it to get to Everest Base Camp?

At Earth’s Edge, we give all of our expeditions a level. The trek to Everest Base Camp is a level 4. That means you can expect to trek an average of 5 to 7 hours per day at altitudes not exceeding 5,364 metres. This is the final altitude of Everest Base Camp, so the route there will slowly increase in altitude. Slowness is key – taking a steady pace is the best way to acclimatise to the altitude. You can read more about how to cope with altitude in our blog post here. We spend 8 days trekking to Everest Base Camp, allowing for two rest and acclimatisation days. This pace greatly increases the chances of reaching our goal comfortably and safely. 

How fit do I need to be?

As with any long trek, you need to train beforehand. The fitter you are prior to the expedition, the more you’ll enjoy it! You should be comfortable hillwalking for 6 to 7 hours per day for two days in a row. We recommend combining hillwalking with cardio training to prepare for Everest Base Camp. You can read more in our blog post about how to train for the expedition

What is the terrain like?

There are some tough parts of the trail. We cross a large suspension bridge, climb steep sections and there are rough parts too. The final part even includes part of the Khumbu glacier.  However, you don’t need any mountaineering skills to trek to Everest Base Camp. 

You can read all about our expedition to Everest Base Camp here. 

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