Whenever you climb a mountain that is 7000m plus, there’s always an element of risk. That’s why it’s of the greatest importance that you train properly, and travel with an expert team around you. There’s no room for bravado on the side of a mountain. You need to make sure that you’re working as a team, and that team is solid. That’s why, at Earth’s Edge, we always work with a crack team of experts, from the expedition leaders and doctors to the people on the ground. But there are many ways to make sure you can make climbing Peak Lenin safe. Here is our advice…
Is climbing Peak Lenin safe?
While some people say that Peak Lenin (7,134m) is the easiest 7,000m peak to climb, the conditions on the mountain make things challenging. You’re faced with high winds, extreme cold and a long summit day, as well of the challenge of proper acclimatisation. That’s why it’s important to take your time. Our 23 day itinerary means that you acclimatise as best you can. We allocate days for rest, as well as skills training. Our schedule also allows for four potential summit days.
What is summit day like?
In a word? Tough. That’s why we have those spare summit days built in. If the weather isn’t on our side, we won’t attempt the summit. That’s one of the key factors to staying safe on Peak Lenin. The day is 15 hours long, and is incredibly challenging. Typically, it takes 10 hours to reach the summit, and five to return. You need to be both physically and mentally strong to reach the summit.

What about altitude?
Altitude sickness is a concern on many expeditions, and is something to take seriously. We send an international doctor on every single one of our expeditions, while keeping group sizes sustainably small. It’s really important to tell the doctor the second you start feeling unwell. Some people mistakenly feel this is a sign of weakness. But AMS is so much easier to treat the earlier you catch it. If you wait too long, the only solution may be to turn back around.
Am I fit enough to climb peak lenin?
Climbing Peak Lenin is a level 9 expedition, which means it’s currently the toughest expedition we offer. The upper mountain is completely covered in snow and ice but none of the route can be described as technical. Although it is not essential, we recommend that all participants should have previous experience at high altitude (>5000m). As a guide, you should be able to complete long hikes with a 20kg backpack for several days in a row, without any bother.
If you want to read more about our expedition to Peak Lenin, click the link.