At the end of last month, we finally ran our first expedition to Kilimanjaro since the pandemic began! We were thrilled to have a group out there, quickly followed by another a few days later. We’ll be sharing some reports from these two expeditions soon, but first up we have a blog post all about flying to Kilimanjaro during Covid. As you might expect, flying long haul is a little different at the moment. Our expedition leader Fiona has some top tips about how to prepare for the flight from Dublin to Kilimanjaro…
Top Tips: Flying to Kilimanjaro during Covid
Buy your food ahead of time
At the moment, flights from Dublin to Kilimanjaro involve a long layover in Frankfurt. Frankfurt Airport is an expensive place to be, so buy a meal deal in Dublin before you fly. They say that more restaurants are coming in Frankfurt, but it’s better to be prepared.
Bring a water bottle
If you brought water with you, make sure you drink it before you arrive, as you have to clear security again in Frankfurt. Bring a water bottle with you though, as there are drinking water fountains by the toilets! It’s important to stay hydrated before and during your flight, so make sure you drink a lot of water.
Bring antibacterial wipes
While planes are being cleaned more frequently at the moment, you can never be too sure. Bring some wipes with you and wipe down the tray table, arm rests, seatbelt and TV screen. Then sanitise your hands. You can never be too careful, and you don’t want to catch a bug before you tackle Kili!
Find a quiet spot in the airport
You’re going to be in Frankfurt for a while, so find a nice quiet spot where you and the group can relax. That way you can avoid the crowds and also watch each other’s stuff while you go to the loo etc.
Bring spare masks
Security will hound you if they see you without a mask. So make sure you bring some spare ones with you. Surgical masks can be more comfortable on a long haul flight.
Make sure your money is new
Check that your US dollars are from 2013 or later or you might have trouble using them in Tanzania. Also make sure they are not damaged, ripped or torn.
Wear flight socks
It’s always a good idea to wear these pressure socks to avoid deep vein thrombosis. At the moment, it’s not encouraged to walk around the plane to keep your blood flowing. Instead, when you go to the loo give your legs a bit of a pummelling to keep the blood moving! You can do this in the loo, if you like. You can get a few funny looks otherwise!
To find out more about Kilimanjaro, click here to read all about our expedition. You can also read our ultimate guide to Kilimanjaro here.