Kerry Staycation with Earth's Edge

Earth’s Edge moves Whest 2018

During the amazing weather back in June, we were all chilling in Herbert Park having lunch and loving the summer vibes. Ele, Babs & JB suggested we go on holidays so I said feck it and Babs put the wheels in motion to move to the metropolis of Lahinch in the sunny mid-west. Sometimes we want to plan our own expeditions and not just yours!

Ele, JB and myself enjoying the fine weather in Herbert Park.
Ele, JB and myself enjoying the fine weather in Herbert Park.

We arrived down to Lahinch for two weeks on Monday the 6th of August, some people in poor condition after a hard weekend of festival fun at All Together Now in Waterford. We soon settled into our new home and got to work on Tuesday morning in our new office with a killer sea view.

View from our office of Lahinch beach and Liscannor bay,
View from our office of Lahinch beach and Liscannor Bay.

Working from Lahinch

Much of our days were spent looking out the window at everyone surfing and further on the Cliffs of Moher but we did manage to get some work done too. We all worked a 7 am to 3 pm day leaving us lots of time to do fun stuff in the afternoons. We did some stuff together and also went on solo missions too. The lovely Simon came down for four or five days and he and Ele went off to Loop head and Father Teds house.

Fr Simon kicking Bishop Ele up the arse outside Father Ted's house!
Fr Simon kicking Bishop Ele up the arse outside Father Ted’s house!

If you don’t know it already Lahinch is a hot spot for Irish surfing. I considered getting in the water most days, actually got in the water once and didn’t manage to surf any waves!

A picture I stole off the internet of somebody else surfing in Lahinch :-)
A picture I stole off the internet of somebody else surfing in Lahinch 🙂

We did a fair bit of road biking up and down the coast and onto the quieter roads of west Clare which was really special, it really is a beautiful part of the country. For some reason lifting weights was a very popular activity with Babs and JB particularly enthusiastic about working on their gains.

Babs and JB working hard on their guns lifting massive glasses of Vino
Babs and JB working hard on their guns lifting massive glasses of Vino!

We are firm believers in leading balanced lives, so we did plenty of partying too. We all went to the Reggae night in Kenny’s bar in Lahinch but our favourite spot was Pot Duggans bar in Ennistymon. We are big fans of all of Bodytonic’s venues in Dublin so when we heard these guys had a pub in the area we were very excited. It’s a savage venue if you are in the area and need food or porter be sure to check it out.

JB and Simon during our night out in Pot Duggans
JB and Simon during our night out in Pot Duggans.

If I had to pick one highlight of our adventure it would be learning how to floss! It has been an ambition of mine for a number of years now and after 3 or 4 drunken hours I managed to pull it off. I’m the current office champion at flossing much to the disgust of my team. At the other end of the spectrum is poor Ele, she will get there in time no doubt ?

Ele attempting the floss 🙂

We are back in the big smoke now, dreaming of our next working holiday if you have any suggestions let us know!


Jam –

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