Aconcagua with Earth's Edge 1

Best time to climb Aconcagua

Standing at a height of 6,962m, Aconcagua is the highest mountain outside of Asia. An absolute beast of a peak, when you stand on its summit you’ll be standing...
Aconcagua with Earth's Edge 2

Is Elbrus harder than Aconcagua?

If you’ve heard of the Seven Summits, you’ve likely heard of both Mount Elbrus and Aconcagua. The highest peaks in both Europe and South America respectively, these mountains are...
Aconcagua with Earth's Edge 2

How to train for Aconcagua

Aconcagua is a beast of a mountain. The highest peak in both the Western and Southern hemispheres, the journey to the summit of Aconcagua is an epic climb. But...
Aconcagua with Earth's Edge

5 facts about Aconcagua

If you’re planning the epic trek to Aconcagua, you might have a few questions all about the mountain. You might want to impress your mates with tales about what’s...